When it’s time to paint your commercial building, you might think about the color scheme you want, the impression you want to make on tenants, customers, or employees, or the overall aesthetics of your facility.
Your first task should really be selecting the best commercial painting contractor for your Arizona commercial building. The right painting contractor can understand your vision and make it a reality or help you create a design that will make your commercial building look great. They will help you select paint colors, color schemes, and materials that will work best and last the longest.
The best commercial painting contractors will save you time and money. Not only will you get a high-quality paint job, but it will be done safely and efficiently to minimize disruption and downtime.
So, how do you choose a commercial painting contractor near your Arizona location? Here are four things to consider.
1. Experience
Start with the most critical component of success: experience with commercial painting.
Commercial painting requires a different skill set than residential jobs. Different prep work is required, as well as different materials.
When you work with an experienced commercial painting contractor, you get someone that has done it before. They have learned the tricks of the trade and know what it takes to get the job done right. They will have experienced, trained, and professional painting crews to handle the job efficiently and safely.
The best painting contractors will have the following:
- Decades of experience with commercial painting projects in your area
- Verifiable references from other commercial property owners
- A gallery of completed jobs so you can assess their quality
- A stellar reputation in the industry
- Trustworthy, honest professionals
Always choose a commercial painting contractor that has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).
2. Licenses, Insurance, and Warranties
Any painting contractor near your location must be licensed in the state and have the proper insurance and bond to protect you. Commercial painting can be a high-risk job, which is why you want professionals. If you try to save a few bucks by using an unlicensed or underinsured company, you are taking on significant liability, which can be costly.
You can check with the Arizona Registrar of Contractors to confirm a company is licensed in Arizona. Ask for a copy of your painting contractor’s insurance and check to ensure the policy is current.
You will want to review the warranty to ensure it provides coverage in case problems arise. When it comes to warranties, this is another reason why it is so vital to work with a company that has been around for a long time. A warranty is worthless when the company is no longer in business.
3. Professionalism
You can tell a lot about a company by how they interact with you before you sign the contract. Do they communicate well, show up on time, and provide you with the details you want? If not, you should not expect great service after you commit.
You should expect a professional approach in everything they do, from the first contact through the on-site walkthrough and quoting process until the job is complete.
4. Painting Crews
When evaluating a commercial painting contractor, you will want to understand who will work on your building. Some painting contractors near you may outsource or subcontract the core painting and finishing work or use day hires to do the job. It’s best to use a company that only has experienced and trained employees.
You should also ensure that painting crews have passed background checks, drug tests, and OSHA safety training.
Choose Ghaster Painting & Coatings
Ghaster Painting & Coatings has more than 45 years of experience with commercial painting in Arizona. Painting crews are fully vetted and trained on safety and best practices.
Ghaster Painting & Coatings is fully licensed, bonded, and insured with one of Arizona’s longest and most comprehensive warranties for commercial painting. For example, warranties for building exteriors exceed standards set by the AZ Registrar of Contractors. While the state only requires a one-year warranty on our exterior work for one year, Ghaster Painting & Coatings offers a comprehensive three-year warranty.
When you work with Ghaster Painting & Coatings, you get a professional job from start to finish from a team that has completed some of the most challenging jobs, such as painting high rises and working around customer traffic. Being Phoenix-based, we know how to paint in extreme conditions. With a perfect record with the BBB and the Arizona Registrar of Contractors and more positive references than nearly any other commercial painting contractor in Arizona, you can rest assured that Ghaster Painting & Coatings will get your job done right.
Are you looking for a commercial painting contractor in Arizona? Contact Ghaster Painting & Coatings today at 602.277.8541 or request a quote online.