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Protective paint and coatings can shield your building’s exterior and interior from the elements. It keeps your building safe and beautiful. In Arizona, weatherproofing is an important part of your property’s maintenance plan to protect your investment.

Ghaster Painting & Coatings, a commercial painting contractor in Phoenix, AZ, offers a proprietary weatherization method using specialty paint and coatings, window caulking, and roof sealants to combat the elements.

Heat and Sun

While many of us call Arizona home because of the weather, we also know that the weather can be unpredictable and unrelenting.

Arizona cities see more sunshine than just about any place in the country. We often see long stretches of temperatures above the 100-degree mark. The heat and the sun can take a toll on your building’s exterior, causing paint and caulk to blister, crack, or peel. Continued exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun dries out the resin in the paint and causes it to fade.

Air seeping into your building can let in the heat and cause your air conditioning to work harder. And, if air can get seep in through cracks in your building or poorly sealed windows or eaves, so can moisture.

High-quality paint and a properly sealed building from an experienced commercial painting company are your best defense against the elements. However, the relentless Arizona sun and heat can break down your defenses over time. Besides causing your finish to fade, it can let the moisture in.

Rain and Moisture

Even though Arizona is dry most of the year, when we get storms, they can be severe. The monsoon season can bring severe thunderstorms and torrential rains. Water can do an incredible amount of damage if your property is not weatherized properly.

Whether rain and moisture seep into your building from cracks or poorly sealed windows or doors, it can create problems ranging from a minor inconvenience to an expensive repair. Even a small amount of moisture can cause wood to rot and masonry to get saturated. Besides damage to the surfaces, it can lead to mold and mildew, unhealthy buildings, and poor air quality. It can also cause painted surfaces to bubble and crack, allowing even more moisture to penetrate.

While we like to think of Arizona as dry heat, as monsoon conditions develop, the humidity starts to spike. Humid conditions left unchecked can cause mold, mildew, and even structural problems.

Does Your Building Pass the RILEM Tube Test?

A RILEM tube test will show how efficient your current building is at repelling water. It measures the amount of water that is absorbed into the surface.

If you want to know whether your property can pass the test, contact Ghaster Painting & Coatings to find out.


In Arizona, we also see unpredictable windstorms that kick up dust. These haboobs can create blasting winds that can wear down your property’s exterior. Without proper weatherization, this dust can easily penetrate your building or wear down your finish.

Haboobs carry more than dust and sand. Heavy metals from pollutants, fungi, chemicals, and bacteria are mixed in and can cause serious health problems, such as cardiovascular disease. Weatherproofing helps seal your property to limit the amount of dust and sand that gets in your building.

Weatherization Also Reduces Energy Consumption

When you weatherize your property, seal windows and doors, fill cracks, and mitigate air gaps, you prevent the outside air from flowing into your building. Many commercial property owners see a significant reduction in their utility bills after weatherization because less energy is consumed to keep the facility at the right temperature.

Weatherizing can also play an important role in protecting the indoor air quality in your properties. Indoor air quality has been shown to aggravate people with asthma or other breathing problems and can lead to long-term respiratory diseases.

Weatherproofing by Commercial Painting Contractors

Commercial painting contractors like Ghaster Paintings & Coatings provide weatherproofing services for commercial and industrial properties to protect your building’s exterior from UV rays and water exposure and improve your energy efficiency.

We offer a 10-year labor and material warranty, so you can rest assured knowing your building is in the hands of an expert commercial painting company.

Want to talk to a commercial painting company that offers weatherizing options? Contact Ghaster Painting & Coatings to request a bid or call (602) 785-5034.